Total: 103
Total: 103
Náměstí Svobody, where our school is located, is undergoing extensive reconstruction of mu…
We want to maintain cleanliness and order on the Heřmanské hills, bring back the original …
we are pupils of the Úprkova Primary School in Hradec Králové.
We care about the surro…
In our project we focus on supporting the biodiversity of bird species in Šlapanice. We wa…
The theme of our project is a system for the restoration of the full water cycle by retain…
In our new project we are focused on city microclimate in Ledeč nad Sázavou, we are going …
we are pupils of the Primary School in Ledeč nad Sázavou, who are not indifferent to o…
A place for everyone
This school year we continue the challenge Places in cities, t…
Our project aims to explore the importance of urban greenery in influencing the microclima…
we are students from Gymnázium Postupická, Prague, Czech Republic and we decided (base…
We would like to propose improvement of the areas around the retention basins on the resid…
Although Romania has one of the smallest amounts of municipal waste per person in the EU (…
“Urban heat islands” occur when cities replace natural land cover with dense c…
The project focuses on biodiversity and the role of insects in maintaining sustainable lif…
In this project we aim to survey the water quality of a nearby urban stream by taking a KI…
By visualizing satellite images, land cover maps and land surface temperature over time an…
By investigating the effect of varying different parameters on small wind turbines and dis…
The labyrinth is one of the greenest places on our school grounds. Some stud…
Here I provide information about the Electronic Air Measurement and Ventilation at Otto-Ha…
In this project we are investigating the microclimate of our school. We are looking at our…
In our English lessons, we have learnt about a protest against the fast fashion industry.
The project will focus on soil-plant relationships, environmental factors and what variabl…
Municipal administrations try to guarantee their communities places that are livable, acce…
Through the analysis of the landscape of their municipal territory, the types of land cove…
The idea is to collect information and documentation, through the mapping of green sites; …
The project aims to bring students closer to the theme of biodiversity in the city through…
The school plans to realise an open lab following the LEAP principles, through a series of…
The project aims at designing a pathway based on LEAP (Learning, Exploring and Activity Pa…
The project aims to communicate to the community the services present in the city, as cycl…
Students will explore the LEAP (Learning, Exploring and Activity Path) approach to explain…
Projekta mērķis – sadarbībā ar Kuldīgas Domi popularizēt pilsētu kā UNESCOkultūras m…
Dzīvība, tās daudzveidība un to ietekmējošie faktori
Nenoliedzami esam daļa no eksistējošā…
Limbažu vidusskola ir pieņēmusi pilsētas izaicinājumu: nodrošināt pilsētas ar enerģiju nek…
Within our project work we are planning:
– Conducting a survey among Warsaw citizens…
Darbojoties šajā projektā vēlamies veidot skolēnos aktīvu dzīves pozīciju un iesaistīties …
Projekta mērķis ir veidot Gulbenes novada iedzīvotāju izpratni un līdzalības iespējas klim…
2021./2022.m.g. Jaunogres vidusskola turpina darbu starptautiskajā izglītības projektā “A…
Šī mācību gada izaicinājums mūsu projekta komandai ir – Ēkas nākotnes pilsētai. Sāka…
How to ensure an equal place for man and nature in our city?
The project team will study h…
Warm, warmer, hot! How to cool down our city and reduce the level of air pollution?
In the…
What is renewable energy sources and how we can used it? LETS PLAY
We separate the student…
Compost in our backyard. Like any simple recipe, you’ll get the best results if you …
An unconventional garden for the production of urban material plants in our school. The co…
Once plastic finds its way into the ocean, it breaks down very slowly, breaking into tiny …
The school is located on the very busy Long Mile Road in Dublin 12, however the school gro…
In this project the students will explore the effects of building materials on the efficie…
Dundagas muižas parks ir viens no nedaudzajiem regulāra plānojuma parkiem Latvijā, kas atr…
Kandavas Reģionālās vidusskolas 6.b klases un 12.klases skolēni kopā ar saviem skolotājiem…
Lietū izmirkusi mīksta zālīte, mitra kūdra, vēsi oļi, silta grants un vēl sūnas, čiekuri, …
The depletion of non-renewable resources and the increased food and textile waste have mot…
The 1st year PULCHRA science team of our school concluded that more vegetated areas have l…
Immediate action is required to ensure that global temperatures do not exceed 2°C above pr…
The goal of our project is to identify the major improvements that can be implemented on a…
Our goal is to find out the best materials, methods, operations and configuration for deve…
In the current school year 2021/2022, as part of the European Project Science in the City:…
Colectarea selectivă reprezintă o parte a procesului de reciclare, prin care materialele r…
The project explores the concept of open school in the context of the “Cities as urb…
This project aims to improve the urban life by using the energy in a more efficient way, r…
The objective of our new project is to revalue the old bakery products collected at our sc…
As our school is located in what you would call a smart city, we decided to become smart c…
Šajā mācību gadā PIKC Kuldīgas Tehnoloģiju un tūrisma tehnikums uzsāk dalību projektā “At…
Our class has chosen the City Challenge “Future-Oriented Buildings.” As part o…
Students are carrying out a project with GLOBE to examine air quality in 3 locations in th…
We are completed this investigation because we are doing the PULCHRA challenge to help reg…
The aim of our project is to increase biodiversity around our school as it is located in a…