By investigating the effect of varying different parameters on small wind turbines and discussing the results, the students get a better understanding of the possibilities and challenges of wind energy as a part of sustainable energy production.
By investigating the effect of varying different parameters on small wind turbines and discussing the results, the students get a better understanding of the possibilities and challenges of wind energy as a part of sustainable energy production.
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By investigating the effect of varying different parameters on small wind turbines and discussing the results, the students get a better understanding of the possibilities and challenges of wind energy as a part of sustainable energy production.
The problem: Which factors are important for the power production of wind turbines?
The project is associated with City Challenge 1: Powering cities without harming the climate
Our research involved a Lecture on wind energy and how wind turbines are designed in order to efficiently convert wind energy to electric energy.
The students perform controlled experiments where they vary certain parameters on model wind turbines, such as:
the number of wings,
the inclinations of wings,
the wind strength and the presence of obstacles, and
measure the effect on the power produced by the turbine.
The results were presented among the students and the importance of wind energy as part of the power production was discussed.
During the activities of our project we measured the power produced by small models of wind turbines, and how this varies when one parameter is changed in a controlled manner.
The results were presented from each group to the whole class.
Short final lecture and discussion of the possibilities and challenges of wind energy in light of the results of the students’ investigations.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824466.
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