Agirbiceanu AnaMaria, Duma Delia, Moldovan Lenuta, Schiau Constantin, Mărginean Iulia
Waste management
Visit schools for mentoring
The Pulchra project team returns this year in an improved formula.
Our 10th grade students Natural Sciences, Natural Sciences Intensive English and Mathematics-Informatics, as well as the 11th grade MathematicsInformatics, along with their coordinating teachers and the highschool principal, took part in the first meeting of the project.
Given the epidemiological conditions, our meeting took place in an online format. The students presented our collaborators from Bucharest the following aspects: the theme of the project, the methodology and the steps we will follow in order to achieve the desired objectives.
This year, the Town Hall is honouring us again with their presence through the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Dan Sima. The sanitation company Eco Sal Medias joined the project as well.
What are the project’s objectives?
This year the theme we chose is „Waste, the human imperfection”. From the very beginning we established some well defined aims such as: identifying the types of waste resulting from economic and household activities in our town and the reuse of some.waste in our school.
The steps and the working methodology
1. The identifying of different types of waste resulting at the municipal level
The type of waste collecting
Discussions with the agent that locally collects the waste about the selective waste collecting.
Visiting the local waste sorting station in our town
2. The identifying of different types of waste resulting at the level of our school unit and at our students’ homes involved in the
The identifying of the waste resulted from the household activities
The identifying of waste resulted from our school unit (classrooms, bureaus, school workshop)
3. The reuse of the identified waste
The reuse of the waste resulted from our school unit
Creating a recreation space in the yard of our unit from the waste resulting from our school and from the economic agents from our town
Reporter: Daria Rîtea
The Pulchra project team returns this year in an improved formula.
Our 10th grade students Natural Sciences, Natural Sciences Intensive English and Mathematics-Informatics, as well as the 11th grade MathematicsInformatics, along with their coordinating teachers and the highschool principal, took part in the first meeting of the project.
Given the epidemiological conditions, our meeting took place in an online format. The students presented our collaborators from Bucharest the following aspects: the theme of the project, the methodology and the steps we will follow in order to achieve the desired objectives.
This year, the Town Hall is honouring us again with their presence through the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Dan Sima. The sanitation company Eco Sal Medias joined the project as well.
What are the project’s objectives?
This year the theme we chose is „Waste, the human imperfection”. From the very beginning we established some well defined aims such as: identifying the types of waste resulting from economic and household activities in our town and the reuse of some.waste in our school.
The steps and the working methodology
Reporter: Daria Rîtea
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824466.
This page reflects the views of the author and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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