Dimoudi Argyro
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Smart city
Vasilisis Sofias 12,67100, Xanthi, Greece
The Laboratory of Environmental and Energy Design of Buildings and Settlements was established in 2002 at the Department of Environmental Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace and is located in the city of Xanthi. It participates in the main undergraduate course of the department and postgraduate courses in the Faculty of Engineering of Democritus University of Thrace.
Research themes include energy efficiency and RES applications at buildings and settlements covering simulations, measurements and monitoring. The laboratory is one of the first ones that have been carried out large scale bioclimatic studies of open spaces’ reformations. There is also significant work related to environmental architecture in terms of microclimate and UHI mitigation, environmental friendly materials and vegetation. Its research work is also on Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and carbon neutral settlements.
The laboratory operates a nearly Zero Energy Demand hovel that is based in Kimmeria (ZED-KIM). It is fully equipped by a small wind turbine, PV cells (self-rotated and steady), energy and meteorology monitoring systems and storage batteries.
Laboratory equipment also includes a variety of thermal cameras, urban and building multi- parameter sensors (temperature, humidity, wind, noise, radiation and human comfort probes). There are also operated software: for buildings energy labeling (TEE-KENAK), energy modeling (TAS-EDSL), CFD modeling (ANSYS-CFD, ENVI-MET), TAPM, renewable and light design tools.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824466.
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