Doussis Emmanuella
Social cohesion
Themistokleous 6, Athens 10678, Greece
210 3688945
One of the goals of the UNESCO Chair in Climate Diplomacy is to help improve communication between science, politics and public opinion on climate change and its implications. Actions include the organization of university and school student simulations of international organizations dealing with the management of environmental problems. On one hand participants are introduced to the way international institutions operate and the art of negotiation; on the other hand, they are trained in formulating appropriate, realistic and collective proposals for managing critical problems and sustainability in general. These actions have a multiplier benefit since after their completion the results are disseminated in specially designed events where the participants negotiate the implementation of sustainable solutions at the local level.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824466.
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